Monday, September 19, 2011

Someone Once Told Me to Dial Down the Diva In Me

Once I learned how to tap into my Diva Factor, I really didn't have to try hard to be confident. Let me also preface by saying that HUMILITY is the essence of the Diva.....its what attracts others to you. The beauty of the Diva Factor is that there is a wonderful mixture of humility and confidence. A Diva as we define the term, is someone who posses a  quiet resolve and belief that no matter what anyone else thinks, she is a child of God who has been uniquely gifted. She understands that her playing small and minimizing her gifts does not serve the world, but  inhibits the growth of others. It is your responsibility to shine like a beacon of hope and opportunity for others. Remember, no matter what anyone else perceives or believes....know WHO you are and never Dial Down your Diva.

Have a Diva-licious Week!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Who Do You Think You Are Anyway Diva?

Previously, I discussed taking time out to discover your God-given gifts and talents in order to determine the value of your personal brand called YOU. Know that you are your most important product and it is essential that you WRITE DOWN each attribute that you possess in order to solidify your brand. Once you accomplish will know exactly who you are.

When you KNOW who you are, and more importantly, BELIEVE in the value and efficacy of your gifts and talents, others will begin to notice something magnetic about you. Now you have tapped into your Diva Factor and you will begin to exude HUMILITY and an exhilarating CONFIDENCE. You will exude humility because once you discover your talents and gifts, you will immediately realize that they are so powerful that only God could have gifted them to you, and therefore you dare not boast. You will possess an exhilarating confidence because since these gifts and talents were given to you, you now must use them to their fullest. You see, you already have what it were born with it. You now just need to ACCEPT IT, BELIEVE IT and LIVE IT! You have confidence because it is your destiny to be AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, FABULOUS and SUCCESSFUL!

Take the time to begin to uncover your gifts and talents and believe them to be real and true. Your gifts and talents are your value proposition to the is your all important PERSONAL BRAND. No matter what you choose to accomplish in life, it is your BELIEF in the value of your personal brand that will take you there.

You now have a responsibility to yourself and the rest of the world to manifest all that you are called and destined to be, so that others may experience the joy of  working and living in the  in power of their gifts.

Until the next time....have a Diva-Licious Day!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The DIVA Factor Presents: Branding Your Most Imporant Product....You!

Today I will discuss the importance of branding your most important asset... YOU!

Branding yourself must first begin with absolute clarity and an unwavering understanding and belief of who YOU are and what YOU offer the world.

You see, the sometimes painstaking process of identifying and taking inventory of your personal assets and attributes is the first step in building your personal brand.  We sometimes find it difficult to focus on ourselves, let alone take the time to discover how wonderful we truly are. This process is absolutely necessary if you are to feel the joy and exhilaration of living in the power of your gifts and talents.

Living in the power of your God-given gifts must first start with the BELIEF that "YOU", not your company or product, actually have something of value to offer the world. Tapping into your inner-diva  requires peeling back the layers and going deep into how you view who you are.

Four times a year, I either check myself into a hotel where I am free from business distractions, family and all the other concerns of the world. If I can't get to a hotel, I send the family away to dinner and a movie on a Saturday afternoon  so that I can have the house to myself. This time is spent refocusing on my strengths, values, dreams and goals. This process allows me to make sure my actions are aligned with my goals, passions and gifts. I'm a much happier and nicer person when I am living in the power of my gifts and moving along a path that defines success for me personally.

Notice how many times the word "YOU" is used. It's perfectly OK...this is a safe place for us to talk about our most important assets, which is our own sense of self-worth and significance without feeling like someone will confuse you with being a word that rhymes with witch!

Schedule your appointment with YOU today....You're the secret to your success!

Check back tomorrow as we begin to further explore the process of developing the brand of YOU.

Have a Diva-Licious Day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Contrary to popular opinion....the term "DIVA" is not a four letter word!

I'm on a personal mission to redefine the word Diva. The term Diva has gotten a bad rap throughout the years, but it is my "humble" opinion that Diva is actually a wonderful thing...if of course you have the right perspective.

Allow me to elucidate with one of my favorite quotes and my personal mantra in a poem by Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

This my friends is who we are called to be.

Have a Diva-Licious Day!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Welcome to The Diva Factor

"Why did I create this Blog?" That's a question that many of my friends have asked me. My friends know I am very busy and involved with running two companies, my three children and my work with charity. I also just completed a one year consulting gig with an Australian beauty company, so, why the rush to take on another project?

Well, I have just hit the 25 year anniversary of my professional career in corporate sales/marketing and entrepreneurship. Looking back, I've had quite an exciting ride! I guess I need a therapeutic way to reflect on my journey and my path of success. But, more importantly, it saddens me when I see other women who will never realize their true potential in life due to their lack of confidence and/or their lack of belief that they can achieve whatever they choose to pursue in life.

Success is not achieved by social status, extreme brilliance, or even talent, for that matter. I was an eight year old girl when I started my journey to success and I couldn't spell success, let alone define it.

You see, my journey to entrepreneurial and corporate success takes me back to the second grade. I was the little girl from the "other side of the tracks" who had the good fortune of having a hard working single mother and single grandmother, both of whom worked two jobs to afford to send me and my sister to private schools in a very affluent area.

I remember being invited to a friend's house to play after school one day. I couldn't believe how beautiful their home and neighborhood was. I didn't know such a life existed, except of course on The Brady Bunch.

I also remember being greeted by my friend's dad when he arrived home from work. Mr. Dunsmoore was his name and I will never forget how special and important he made me feel. It didn't matter to him that I was from the other side of town, he treated me, a little eight year old girl, like I was somebody significant. He looked me in the eye and shook my hand and told me what a pleasure it was to meet me. This simple exchange may seem insignificant to most, but for me it was a major turning point in my life. He was obviously someone who was very accomplished. I could tell not only by the home he lived in, but by the fact that he wore a suit to work. I had never knew anyone who wore a suit to work. The fact that this important man felt that I was important enough to take the time to make me feel welcome and special made me feel like I was a Diva! and from that day on, I saw my self as a Diva...a worthy, confident and focused little girl who shared her light, energy and new found optimism with everyone.

From that day, something sparked a fire in my heart and soul. I began to ask Mr. Dunsmoore questions about his line of work and what I had to do to to achieve what he had accomplished. I really don't remember the play date with my friend, but I will never forget the day that set the course for my future.

The DIVA FACTOR is a mind set and philosophy that says I am gifted, talented, lovable, worthy, significant and deserve to be accomplished and highly successful. It's not an arrogance or entitlement, it's determining your God-given gifts and taking those gifts to their maximum potential unashamedly. Down playing your gifts does not serve you or the world. Let your light shine bright in order to guide and inspire others.

Join me daily as we walk through how to tap into your Diva Factor for maximum personal and business success, because when you will live Happy, Healthy and Hot! But even better than that, you will inspire others around you to do the same.
